Interacting With People – Who Do I Know?
Interacting With People – Who Do I Know?
A person is a political subdivision of a nation. A nation consists of many nations or states with their own government structure and social systems. A person is an agglomeration of citizens who, for a variety of reasons, decide to form a political subdivision, such as a municipal, county, state, province or nation. In some cases the citizens of a nation live in political entities called assemblies or parities, for example parities of towns within a nation or states. Sometimes the term people is used to describe peoples without specific political institutions, for example people organized as loose cells or loose colonies.
An ethnic group is a subdivision of a person, typically based on descent and language. The word ethnic has been used since the 19th century to refer to groups or individuals who share a common heritage or language. The word came from the German word ethnos, which meant “the people”. Most nations have some kind of ethnic group, and people usually think of themselves as part of a nationality, even if they really are not, or at least consider themselves to be of another race or ethnicity.
An education is the process of educating people for the purpose of attaining some form of political, social or economic enlightenment. The word ‘education’ comes from the Greek etymology, which means instruction. Education is usually seen as a public good, and people use the term to encourage other people to go to school or college to gain knowledge and skills needed for their livelihoods. However, as private education has become more dominant, the concept of the state’s role in education has diminished.
It is possible that this political description of people applies to all political groups. All groups have a membership and obligations, whether they be tribal family, ethnic, political, or religious. People, however, do tend to know more about themselves than about other people; especially about other members of their own group. People know their fellow group members for the same reason that other people know other members of their group; because the members of the group have relationships with each other and can easily recognize each other by name.
A person who knows everyone in a group is said to know that group; whereas a person who knows no one in a group is called an isolated person. To label someone an isolated person implies that the person lacks a relationship with other people of his or her group. Other people may call an isolated person a dishonest person because the person may not have been very honest in the past, but now that he or she is alone, the honesty has come out of the box. To label someone a dishonest person implies that he or she is not being true to himself or herself about everything. Being true to oneself is a virtue, whereas being a liar is not.
Knowing who people are, allows you to tell the truth about them. You will also be able to find out whether they have the same political or social inclination as you do. Knowing how people think, helps you decide what to do for your group. For instance, you can assign specific tasks to individuals based on how they answer various questions. Knowing people’s answers to questions such as “Who are the five most important people in my office?”