International Air Travel Recommendations
Travel is the moving movement of humans between different distant geographic locations. Travel can be by car, plane, train, bicycle, foot, bus, boat or any other means and is one mode or itinerary to complete. It’s a well-known fact that more people travel by air than by any other mode, but what is not well known is just how extensive our travel habits actually are.
It has been said that one out of every eight Americans has traveled at least once in their lifetime. That traveling record spans right across the spectrum of travel: from walking down the street to flying in a private plane. And in between those trips people will make general travel arrangements for when they travel, such as getting tested no less than three days prior to departure.
The most common form of “travel” is driving, which has been found to cause a surprisingly high rate of fatal accidents. Passengers who drive drunk are far more likely to cause a fatal accident and a number of States have now established blood alcohol limits that apply to the road. Another frequent form of travel is being passenger on a vehicle that is overcrowded or waiting for a driver, which can lead to long delays and even unsafe situations. The likelihood of having a passenger who is ill or suffering a medical condition increases the likelihood that a collision will occur.
Medical problems that can affect a passenger on a vehicle can cause delays and unsafe conditions. For this reason it’s essential that any passenger who signs up for travel must be prepared to show the proper identification, such as a Drivers License or an International Airlines Flight Ticket issued by their carrier. Many airlines will ask for a medical confirmation of the information provided, so a passenger should bring a copy of their medical records along with them. Failure to produce a copy of these records could result in the inability to board the flight. If the medical issue hasn’t been cleared by the doctor and the passenger still can’t get on the plane, they should contact the Department of Motor Vehicles in the state where they will be traveling to make sure that a copy of the medical record will be acceptable for screening.
In addition to showing a copy of a medical record, many airlines will also require that you pass a drug screen, a security check, a background check and a visual passport inspection. Many of these screenings are considered optional, but those who don’t follow the airline’s travel recommendations may be denied boarding or given a low grade if they fail to pass a drug screen or a security check. Some air carriers have detailed information available on their website regarding their complete set of security tests and recommended drug screenings.
When planning your next international trip it’s important to be aware of all the necessary documentation that you need to possess when it comes to air passengers arriving at your destination. It’s also a good idea to do some research on the safest ways to reach your destination as well as the best airports to land and fly into. By taking some time to gather all of the information regarding the international air travel requirements that you must have, you will ensure that you travel in a safe and secure manner. Knowing what documentation to have and what state and local recommendations or requirements you will need will help ensure that your journey is one that is pleasant rather than a hassle.